Monday, February 28, 2011

Memories of Yost and Martha Schrock - Part 13

Clayton and Clyde Cripe were the second set of twins born to Amos F. Cripe and Mary Jane Schrock, they were the grandsons of Yost and Martha (Plank) Schrock.

Clayton Cripe Memories:

First I wish to say I heartily endorse this idea.  Each of us can help to refresh one another's memories.  Those memories are very refreshing when we reach the twilight of our lives.

My one outstanding impression, from my first recollection to the last of their home life, is that it was a well ordered life.  In the home and the farm everything seemed to be shipshape.  Everything indicated an enormous amount of work.  The buildings and fences, orchards, garden and truck patches all showed the results of planning and labor.  When we children were quite small Father and Mother were very busy, too, raising a bunch of 'bronchos' and carving out a home from land covered with trees and rocks.  So we didn't go too often to grandpa's and I can't remember so much of real early life there.  About once a year Bro. Clyde and I would be permitted to go there from school and spend the night and then to school the next day.

These two distinct memories I have of grandmother.  One was that she was afflicted with quinsy or asthma.  Once, while there, she had to use something she burned and, with her head covered with a cloth, would inhale fumes to open her respiratory organ and breathing would be quite labored.  And another time Clyde and I walked there and picked cherries and in the evening she divided them.  She used a measure and she would say ''des iss irra, des iss dirre' until they were all divided.

Grandfather was quite stern and very fastidious with his work and had a rare sense of humor.  On one occasion he had wheat in the field east of the barn, south of the lane, and north end of the field didn't shock up very heavy.  Father said they hauled out a few shocks so the rest could get some air.  Another thing very vivid in my memory, was the two gates, one at the buildings and one out at the road, that could be opened and closed by driving over a twisted iron connected with rods to the gates.

The hedge fences that were nicely trimmed.  The children in those days were not hauled to and from school, only on very stormy days.  And they didn't have radio and TV to entertain them.  They were taught to work so that they too went out and carved homes out of the wilderness.

Their life was not all physical labor.  It was all interwoven with spirituality.  When you to try to analyze it, their lives have contributed not just in the home or community but to the whole world, and it still goes on and their lives were monumental in comparison to many shallow lives.  Of course, if we want to be critical we might find some inconsistency, but I'll confer it dwarfs my life when compared to theirs.

With great anticipation I'll be waiting to read all the good letters.  A humble grandchild.


Clyde Cripe Memories:

My earliest memories of my grandparents on my Mother's side were when my twin brother Clayton, and Ira Weaver went after school (at the jug handle school) to stay all night each school year.  Of course, we were very hungry and had to have some of grandma's cookies (Grandma's cookies are always better).

I will never forget how grandfather, after going to bed, would pray a long time in German.  Though we hardly understood a word we knew by the tone of his voice and his devout life that he was having communion with his Lord.  The Bible was about the only reading material in evidence and he read from it's pages daily, especially after supper before retiring.

He was just as industrious as he was devout.  His 160 acre farm was a model with fences and buildings always in good repair.  There was never a weed, thistle or brush, except for a few hazel nuts, on either side of the fence.  We kept 360 rods of hedge fence trimmed regularly as neat as most homes have shrubs in their front yards.  This he continued to do until he sold the farm at a very advanced age.  When grandmother died and he sold the farm he made his home with Ira Weaver's parents.  My grandparents and their children, who reflected their Christian graces, were truly "the salt of the earth and the light of the world".  My memory of them has been an anchor in times of trial and I consider such a heritage my greatest treasure.

Know anything about anyone mentioned in this post? Please contact me using the e-mail address to the right under my picture.
Mary Post Warren
© copyright 2011, all rights reserved, Mary Post Warren

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Memories of Yost and Martha Schrock - part 12

Elma Weaver Kindy was the wife of O. Glenn Kindy.  She was the daughter of Levi E. Weaver and Emma Schrock, and the grand-daughter of Yost and Martha (Plank) Schrock

Elma Kindy memories:

I have only a few vivid memories of Grandpa and Grandma in their home.  I was small when grandma passed away.  I do remember very well when Mother and I walked through the fields to grandma's and as we crossed our chicken yard I picked up some chicken feathers which I, at least, thought were pretty, and gave them to grandma, who at that time was sick in bed.  I can still see her accepting them and taking them in her hand.

I'll always remember grandma's black hair and grandpa's snow white hair.  The house, also is quite clear to me.  The milk house with it's clear cool water running trough where the milk crocks, butter, etc. were kept. And the cool brick floor which felt so cool to our feet.  I also remember the outdoor oven but cannot recall ever have seeing bread taken from it.  I also loved that big smoke tree in the front yard.

I think my most cherished memories were when grandpa came to live with us for nine years.  His room was what we called our parlor.  In it was his bed, high dresser, stove and rocking chair on which I can still see him rock and sing, sing and rock.  I do not remember grandpa ever being considered a care.  His pleasant disposition and his jolly spirit repaid all care that was necessary.

I recall at one time he was not feeling too well and we felt he should not go out to the outside toilet which was some distance north of the house.  Well, he would go.  It had been snowing, the snow was perhaps a foot or two deep.  Mother and I kept watch for him.  He would go two or three steps, look forward to see how far he still had to go and back to see how far he had gone - on a few steps more and again look forward and back.  He finally made it.  Coming back was not so bad as he had made a path but he was willing to take our word for it after that as he found out it was too much for him.

Know anything about anyone mentioned in this post? Please contact me using the e-mail address to the right under my picture.
Mary Post Warren
© copyright 2011, all rights reserved, Mary Post Warren

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Happy Birthday Kim!

Kim and her dad at DiamondBack Fan Fest - February 2010



Mary Post Warren
© copyright 2011, all rights reserved, Mary Post Warren

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Memories of Yost and Martha Schrock - part 11

Clara Cripe Dykeman was the daughter of Amos F. Cripe and Mary Jane Schrock, Mary Jane Scrock was the 6h child of Yost and Martha Schrock.

Clara Cripe Dykeman Memories:

My first memories of Grandpa Schrock's were when they got the new organ and Aunt Clara (Schrock) played and the other children sang the old church songs.

It was such a treat to go to Grandpa's !  I know we were like our children of today, as we played games, hide and go-seek, and such.  Then grandma had us four older ones to sit around the old heating stove and have some little treat for us and tell us stories.

The old large wood box had a lid and we sat on the back of the stove and kept quiet for a while.

All the good dinners!

When old enough to go to school, I could go and stay over night once during the term.  It was a great treat to have grandma fix my lunch.  I wonder in years to come, if our children will have pleasant memories of our homes.

We loved to go back to the orchard and climb the trees, and to the old garden and bake oven in back of the house.  So many interesting memories that I never can forget.

I can just hear grandpa praying in dutch.  He looked after his family even after they were married and helped and suggested when needed.  I can understand now, but then it didn't mean so much to me.  Those were what kept the family together.  They were interested in each other.  I think their church came first.  How thankful I am we had that background.

My first school teacher was Uncle Will Schrock and lucky, it was, as we children couldn't speak English and he could help us out.  Aunt Lulu came for the spring term and was my teacher.  She didn't talk dutch and it was a bit hard for her, but she was so patient and we got along some way.  We couldn't help but love her with that smile she always had.

Later, when I was married, grandpa let us move in the old house with him.  Poor man, had to eat my first cooking and baking.  I wonder how he ever did it, as we didn't buy our food ready to eat like we can now.  We just had to eat what we could make but even now, I'm glad we lived when we did, as we have learned to appreciate everything more than the children of today who have most anything they want. We never went hungry and had plenty to be comfortable and best of all had a faith and trust in a great God.

I can remember before Aunt Nan had a family.  I would just love to go home with her for a few days. I can still see the old horse go up and down those hills back west toward Bristol.

One night while staying at their house, I had a bad dream. I left the cot where I was sleeping, in their room, and got up and slept with them the rest of the night.  Many things, I have long since forgotten, but never these thing that happened in early childhood.

Now that we have our children, I hope we can leave some worth while memories with them.

(Editor's note:

Paragraph 8:  Lulu (Vandersten) was Will Schrock's wife.  William (Will) was the 9th child of Yost and Martha (Plank) Schrock

Paragraph 10: Nan (Priser) was Nancy Schrock (8th child of Yost and Martha (Plank) Schrock.

Know anything about anyone mentioned in this post? Please contact me using the e-mail address to the right under my picture.
Mary Post Warren
© copyright 2011, all rights reserved, Mary Post Warren

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

52 Weeks of Personal Genealogy History: Technology

This is week eight of 52 wees of Personal Genealogy History and I'm only writing my 2nd post on the subject!  Some subjects are just harder for me to write on - and my memory of my childhood is very limited.  But being at 'tech geek' I can remember a lot on how it has changed over the years....I remember mostly the old dial up telephones with 'party lines', the first time I watched TV in our home, and mom's old wringer washing machine.

The telephone I remember from my teen years - we used to have a 'party line' which is a phone line shared with another in the neighborhood.  They were much like a 2nd phone in the house but it wasn't.  Each phone had it's own phone number - our first phone number (before I became a teenager) was PL 42100...PL stood for PLymouth.  Our next phone number which came after we moved from Los Angeles to Pomona CA was an LY prefix (LY = LYcoming). I don't remember what the numbers were that went with it.  In later years the prefix letters were changed to numbers and then area codes were added on before the number.

I got into deep trouble once when a girl friend (who shared our party line) and I were speaking on the phone.  I was not at home but was at someone else's house babysitting.  My friend and I were chatting on the phone, talking about what teens talk about, not knowing my mother was listening in via the party line - OOPS.

Another item of technology that changed over the years was the washing machine.  I don't have a long story to tell about this because all I do is remember we had an old wringer one in the laundry room off the kitchen.  My mom's diaries tell how happy she was to finally get the newer, updated, non-wringer type of machine when they came out.

I remember too our first TV or television.  It was black and white and we kids were excited to have it in our home.  It was about 1948-1949 I believe.  I think we were one of the last in the neighborhood to get one. The first program I remember watching on it was a car coming straight to my front room!  It scared the daylights out of me and I remember screaming.  It was probably some kind of police show.  I remember there was nothing on the TV after certain hours because there was no 'signal'...the TV looked much like the one on the left.  There was no cable or satellite in those days and everyone had TV antennas on their roofs or used 'rabbit ears' inside, on top of the TV to get good reception.

Mary Post Warren
© copyright 2011, all rights reserved, Mary Post Warren

Monday, February 21, 2011

Blast From The Past

While driving to southern California from Phoenix for my 'family get-together' in December we saw a 'blast from the past'....the dinosaurs!  Located just off the I-10 in Cabazon (between Banning and Palm Springs).  We used to pass them while driving from Long Beach to our friends home in Rancho Mirage (near Palm Springs)....the kids would always want to get out and look at the dinosaurs....and many times we did.  There was only one at the time (now there are two plus a small 'museum').

The main reason we did not go into the dinosaur museum is because we knew they were going to be pushing evolution.  We know we did not evolve from others, and that we are wholly made by God.  And it was not our desire to see another version of how it 'could happen'.  Still the outside ones were obviously not made to look like 'real dinoseaurs' but rather what others thought they looked was fun this time by ourselves as it was when the kids were young and they wanted to climb all over the one dinosaur that was there.
Mary Post Warren
© copyright 2011, all rights reserved

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Memories of Yost and Martha Schrock - part 10

Della Amanda Sherck was the wife of Ira Eugene Weaver, who was the grandson of Yost and Martha Schrock and the son of Emma Schrock and Levi E. Weaver (Memories of Yost and Martha Schrock - part 9)

Della Sherck Weaver Memories:

As I spent one summer at Uncle John Zimmerman's, the year Grandma Schrock died, I have many pleasant memories of both Grandpa and Grandma Schrock.  There were always so pleasant and so happy and contented it was a pleasure to have them around.  The next summer following, Grandpa Schrock had the front rooms and Uncle John the rest of the house.  Grandpa came over in Uncle John's part always to eat and any other time that he cared to.

I enjoyed hearing him in his room reading the Bible, praying and singing once a day ands sometimes more often.

I suppose it was the summer when Uncle John hired Ira to help on the farm that we began to take notice of one another, or maybe it was the cooking, as I have heard the way to a man's heart is thru his stomach.

(Editor's notes: John Zimmerman was Clara Schrock's husband.  Clara Schrock was the 10th child of Yost and Martha Schrock.)

Know anything about anyone mentioned in this post? Please contact me using the e-mail address to the right under my picture.
Mary Post Warren
© copyright 2011, all rights reserved, Mary Post Warren

Friday, February 18, 2011

William Oliver Haines and His Barber Shop

Bill and his 'OK Barber Shop' opened 1966 in La Verne CA

My Uncle Bill was not blood related to me.  He was my uncle by marriage to my mother's sister Dorothy Troyer Haines.  Uncle Bill was a barber by trade and according to his family history learned the trade from his father who was also a barber.  I remember his 'razor strap' hanging by the back door of their home.  He was a strong disciplinarian, much stronger than my parents (as I remember).

William Oliver Haines was born in Chicago Illinois on June 17, 1907; he died June 19, 1992 in La Verne California. 

He worked with his father in Chicago until he was 28 at which time he went to California to check out his half-brother Orville's barber shops (he owned 3 in the Pomona/La Verne areas).  From California he drove to Indiana where he married Dorothy Troyer in 1935...a year later they moved to California.  He worked for his brother Orville from 1942 until 1966.  When his brother retired he bought his Barber Shop.

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La Verne Magazine 1979


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Click on each page and it will take you to a new page...then click on page again to enlarge for easy readability.  IMPORTANT: BE SURE AND USE THE BACK ARROW ON YOUR BROWSERS (UPPER LEFT) TO COME BACK TO THIS PAGE.

Bill and Dorothy had 4 children (3 girls, 1 boy). 

(Editor's note: not sure of  last name of Orville since he was a half-brother; I think I remember it being Haines but am not positive....any of Bill's descendants who are reading this please leave me a reply and let me know)

Know anything about anyone mentioned in this post? Please contact me using the e-mail address to the right under my picture.
Mary Post Warren
© copyright 2011, all rights reserved

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Memories of Yost and Martha Schrock - part 9

Ira Weaver Memories (part 3 of 3; read part 1 and part 2 for the full memories):

While Yost did a very masterful job of farming, he did not go in for show.  Three horse teams was about his limit. One day Yost was passing a neighbor's farm who had a 4 horse team in the field.  He called to Grandfather, "Gooked net des groose Yoslite?" ("Don''t this look big, Yost?")

Time went on. Aunt Sade passed away. Grandma passed on, and it became evident that a change was necessary.  For a while he rented to children, and then grandchildren, then sold the old homestead and gave a nice sum to each of the children.  I understand that a number of the children offered to open their doors to him..  Mother Weaver offered him the best room in her home.  The northwest room was chosen and evidently grandfather enjoyed himself the remaining days.

Grandfather was never enthusiastic about portraits and almost refused to have his picture taken.  Grandmother, however, had her's taken and all the children shared with each receiving their picture.  One of these pictures was placed in grandfather's room on the stand.  He cherished it so much that he consented to have his taken.  We prize both of them highly.

When Grandfather came to the Weaver's he brought his buggy, low sides, wide seat and faithful Old Ben.  Most people considered Ben to be too fractious for a man the age of Grandfather.  I often wondered how he got the harness on this tall horse, for grandfather was rather short in stature.  Grandfather succeeded in getting the harness placed, including the bridle, all this time Ben was admonished with the familiar 'Ho Ben!' 'Ho Ben!'  Bem was ;ed carefi;;u tp tje biggu wjere 'Ho Ben!' was repeated until he was fastened to the buggy with the last trace and grandfather, having a firm hold on the reins, would step in the buggy, Ben prancing all the time, they were off on high.  We were always apprehensive of grandfather's safety but Ben always brought him home, usually on high.  It was a sad day when grandfather and Ben parted.  Grandfather with a smile, which he carried to the last.  He wore well ke[ppt short whiskers.  Grandmother with her smile and prayer veil which she wore continuously.

The old Homestead could tell a lot of stories of romance.  I know of one which probably does not mean much only to those directly interested.  A girl of sweet sixteen was employed one season, between high school terms, by Clara Schrock Zimmerman, to do house work at $2.00 per week.  At this time, John Zimmerman employed the writer to help on the farm.  It was that occasion that gave rise to appreciate the jolly good times, good dinners and, while the writerprobably wasn't very serious, there was somewhat of a  'girl of my dreams' in his eye and thinking, all unbeknown to Della Sherck (Weaver) I am quite sure.  It was the beginning.  One year later in June the first attempt was made to win her affections.  I offered to see her to church one Sunday evening in June.  Della accepted.  This continued for five years and then the wedding on Ap;ril 15, 1906.  Fifty years later God spared us to celebrate our 50th Anniversary.

The demands of Cousin Clyde Cripe for memories is responsible for all of this story.

(Editor's Notes: Paragraph 2 - I have still not been able to identify who Aunt Sade, if she lived at home until she was 32 did she have issues that should cold not live on her own and if so, what were they?; Mother Weaver was  Della Sherck Weaver, wife of Ira Eugene Weaver

Know anything about anyone mentioned in this post? Please contact me using the e-mail address to the right under my picture.
Mary Post Warren
© copyright 2011, all rights reserved, Mary Post Warren

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy 98th Birthday Daddy

Hays Coulter Post
February 15, 1913 - Venice, California
February 25, 1987 - Pomona, California

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

One of the little girls in my class drew this picture for me.  I thought since it's Valentine's Day it was a very appropriate day to share it with you.  The original is hanging on the wall above my desk.


Mary Post Warren
© copyright 2011, all rights reserved, Mary Post Warren

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Memories of Yost and Martha Schrock - part 8

Ira Weaver Memories (part 2 - read part 1 here; part 3 coming later this week):

There was an apple tree located at the extreme north west corner of the farm.  Early Harvest by name.  It was next to the road and in season was visited by the Weaver clan and I suppose the Cripes, and Schrocks, all knew it was there.  The large house built to accommodate two families separated by a door that never was locked.  It was well kept and painted white.  A broad lane from the large farm yard ran south.  On the east side of the house yard continuing south past orchard touching the southwest field, thence, to the Christ Pletcher farm, where it joined a lane thru the Pletcher's farm to the south road, Highway Number 20.  This lane was traveled by the Schrock children on way to the Pickrell school.  This orchard was south of the house.  All kinds of apples: Early Harvest, June Sweet, Sheep Nose, Tolpehoken and many others.  The berry patch and truck patch between the house and orchard. All kinds of berries, especially the June berry row.  From the large enclosed porch to the east and to the north east a walk led to the rock pump house, with windmill on top.  Fresh water was pumped in a small tank then thru a milk trough where the food was refrigerated, then on to the farm in a large tank for the live stock.  The floor of the rock building was laid with brick, as I remember.

The walk ran north to the wood house where was kept plenty of dry wood.  A small house known as the fruit drying house.  To the west was the grape vineyard with a number of varieties: Moors Early, Niagara White but mostly Concords.  This vineyard was well kept and provided the family the fine grapes.  Grandfather loved them.  About this time there was a belief that grape and berry seeds were responsible for inflammation of the bowl (bowel)  (now appendicitis).  Grandfather's children were very apprehensive of him eating so many grapes and cause bowl (bowel) trouble.  By the number of places near the vineyard where grandfather sat swallowing the seeds and dropping the hulls on the ground, it indicated that Grandfather ate lots of grapes.

Carrying of wood from the wood house to the large wood box in the house near the stoves was a lot of fun for the grandchildren when they visited grandpa.  The house was large and well furnished.  Even the sleeping rooms up stairs, where the children all slept and from this home went out, at the proper time, to establish homes.  The large bank barn located northeast of the house, a a suitable distance.  A large manure and straw stack yard.  Eastward was a lane running east to reach the east fields.  The farm consisted of 160 acres and was all tillable but a few acres in the northeast corner, quite rough, this was his timber lot.  Source of lumber and wood, and a good mushroom timber.

The farm produced large crops of wheat and corn and the harvesting was done by hand work.  Grandfather always had plenty of clean jokes to tell.  Heard him tell of when he and some other boys came upon a neighbor whose wagon, heavily loaded, mired so the team was not able to move it.  The boys grabbed the wheels but put their power in reverse.  Finally the man stated that the team could not make it.  When Yost said "your team pulls well" and they grabbed the wheels and put it in forward, out they went.

(Editors notes: paragraph 1 Christ Pletcher - unknown (not in family tree); paragraph 2 - 'bowl' referred to twice should be bowel.)

Know anything about anyone mentioned in this post? Please contact me using the e-mail address to the right under my picture.
Mary Post Warren
© copyright 2011, all rights reserved, Mary Post Warren

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Goshen Indiana

At a family get-together a couple of months ago my cousin gave me these pictures to scan.  Our mother's grew up in Goshen Indiana, their father (my grandfather) Elmer Troyer was from Middlebury Indiana, which is a short distance from Goshen.

Goshen High School, Goshen Indiana

The high school on the right is where my mother (Margaret Troyer Post) graduated from in 1927.  Her sister (Dorothy Troyer Haines) graduated from Goshen High School about 3-4 years later.

My great-great grandparents Yost and Martha (Plank) Schrock settled in the Middlebury Indiana area in approximately 1850-1851.  They purchased 160 acres of land 1 mile west of Middlebury.

These pictures were taken by my cousin in approximately 1992 while visiting the area.  One of these days I would like to travel to Goshen, Middlebury, and Elkhart Indiana to visit where my mother grew up and to see the area where Yost and Martha (Plank) Schrock settled and raised their family.
Know anything about anyone mentioned in this post? Please contact me using the e-mail address to the right under my picture.
Mary Post Warren
© copyright 2011, all rights reserved, Mary Post Warren

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Memories of Yost and Martha Schrock - part 7

Ira Eugene Weaver was the was the son of Levi Weaver and Emma Schrock, and grandson of Yost and Martha (Plank) Schrock.  He wrote several type written pages of memories so this will come in several postings.  This is part 1 of 3-4 postings.

Ira Weaver Memories:

Perhaps the first recollection I have of this home was when Mother Weaver and a few of the Weaver children would cross-cut across the Weaver farm, the Noah Simmons farm and the west central field which led us into the back yard to be met by Grandpa, Grandma and Aunt Sade, as we called her, there was no uncertainty as to our welcome.  And this was also true with the many visitors that frequented this good old home. Grandfather usually had a joke or two to inject into the conversation.

This homestead was the talk of the Middlebury community.  Yost Schrock was born near Smithville, Ohio, March 28 1827..  Martha Plank was from near Wooster, Ohio.  After their marriage they lived in Ohio three years then moved to Middlebury, Indiana and purchased the 160 acres, one mile west of Middlebury.  Two children were born in Ohio and ten were born on the old homestead.  Here the family lived, labored, loved and prospered.

Two children died in infancy. Aunt Sade died at the age of 32.  She never married.  The rest of the nine child married and established homes, most of them in the community at one time or another. Seven from the Schrock home attended school at the Pickrell School more than a mile by short cut across the fields.  Mother Weaver often spoke of their little army going to and from school.  They all received a good education and Mother Weaver could out spell any of her children.

The labors of Grandfather and Grandmother, together with the boys and girls, made possible the development of this successful home.  I head grandpa relate how a neighbor reported that when the Schrock boys husked corn there was an ear flying continuously.  I remember dropping corn three to the hill and three droppers and three to cover.  I was being followed by Uncle Will and did he make me step.  At the end of the field (80 rods) thru some argument, Uncle Will said he would throw me over the the rail fence.  I said he couldn't.  He did.

The old home was well kept, seemingly larger farm than any of the children acquired.  There was a heap of living in this home.  The buildings were located a little west of the center of the farm.  A lane one half mile long to the north led to the road.  This lane, as well as the north side of the farm was bound by  osage hedge fence which was always well trimmed and kept so as to control it's growth and beauty.  The home was wide open to the children of the community and the grandchildren and everyone, even the beggar along the way.

The grandchildren, who were many, seemed to visit the home in regular relays.  What was the experience of Clayton Cripe, Clyde Cripe and Ira Weaver, was true of all ages of grandchildren.  It was a happy occasion when the time came for this group to cross the field from the Pickrell School with dinner pails in hand to report at grandpa's for an evening of fun.  I think we visited every place of interest, even to filling the huge wood box with sufficient fuel for days.  The the call to come and get ready for supper.  With the offering of thanks by grandpa in German, came the finest supper consisting of plenty of whipped potatoes, space will not permit listing all the foods.  Always plenty of potatoes left over for potato patties for breakfast.  Our dinner pails were filled with plenty of cookies, pie, pickles, fruity.  Off across the field for the Pickrell school with a hearty invitation to return again.

(Editor's notes: Mother Weaver referred to in paragraph 2 is Emma Schrock Weaver, 5th child of Yost and Martha Schrock and Ira Weaver's mother.  Noah Simmons and Aunt Sade are unknown.  Aunt Sade must have been one of the 10 children of Yost and Martha Schrock because of references made, but I find no one who meets her description among the 10 children I have listed in my genealogy program.  Most likely Sade was a nickname.

Paragraph 4: Uncle Will is most probably William Schrock, 9th child of Yost and Martha Schrock.

Paragraph 6: Clayton Cripe and Clyde Cripe were the twin sons of Amos F. Cripe and Mary Jane Schrock, 6th child of  Yost and Martha Schrock)

Know anything about anyone mentioned in this post? Please contact me using the e-mail address to the right under my picture.
Mary Post Warren
© copyright 2011, all rights reserved, Mary Post Warren

Monday, February 7, 2011

Memories of Yost and Martha Schrock - part 6

Jasper Sherck Memories

I can't think of very much that went on there.  I remember being there at an oyster supper.  I remember when Clara Zimmerman said supper was ready and the oldest boy should bring his girl.  Harvey went first, then Willis, then Henry Krack, then Edd. then myself.  That was the first time mama and I ate together.  I remember we had a wonderful time.

I remember threshing at your place one time.  It was very warm and us boys took our shirts off.  Grandpa was standing by and he said if you are going to take anymore off let me know.
(editor's note: oysters were a tradition in my family on Christmas Eve.  Mom said it was an old family tradition and I'm fairly sure this is where it came from. 

Jasper Sherck was the husband of Clara Adaline Weaver (daughter of Levi Weaver and Emma Schrock, grand-daughter of Yost and Martha Schrock.  I do not know last names or relationships of Harvey, Willis, or Edd mentioned in paragraph 1 nor do I have a Henry Krack listed in my genealogy program.  Clara Zimmerman was born Clara Schrock, 10th child of Yost and Martha Schrock)
Know anything about anyone mentioned in this post? Please contact me using the e-mail address to the right under my picture.
Mary Post Warren
© copyright 2011, all rights reserved, Mary Post Warren

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Follow-up on Goals/Resolutions

As part of my 2011 Goals (not resolutions) - I've decided to give you a monthly update.  I encourage you to work on Goals as they can be attained;  resolutions seem too hard to get anywhere with and are written off within a couple of days

Some of my goals (not resolutions) for the new year:

  • Read 5 chapters of the Bible daily -  ON TRACK: I've read through Numbers and am now working on Deuteronomy.
  • Read 2 books a month - ON TRACK: Since the first of January I've read O. Henry's "The Gift of the Magi", Frances Hodgson Burnett's "The Secret Garden", and am now working on Charlotte Bronte's "Jane Eyre"
  • Volunteer in the school library - ON TRACK: have talked to the librarian and am currently working in the library after I get off work a day or two a week.
  • Research family info and blog a minimum of 3 days a week - haven't done much research lately but have posted 3 times a week in January.
  • Attend a genealogy convention - ON TRACK: went to the Arizona Family History Expo in Mesa Arizona a couple weeks ago.
  • Get my zucchini to grow this year (last year I got none)   Can't start this for a couple months.
  • More canning and freezing of fresh fruits and veggies (either grown by me or given to me by my wonderful neighbor) - Can't start this until the spring crop starts growing, although someone gave me a ton of lemons last week and hubs and I got these squeezed and the juice frozen (lemon aide this summer YEA!)
  • Walk more - ON TRACK: I'm walking to work/school. It's a neighborhood school so it's fairly close
I've had normal distractions and issues that have held me back on some of my goals...not the least of these issues is computer USB ports don't work, thus neither does my cordless mouse my printer/scanner, and my sound (most of which use USB ports).  I can't get to my backed up pictures - I save everything on a USB drive and then once a month copy it to the computer.  I hadn't done this since the first of December (issues started about Christmas time).  So I can't get to any photos I had scanned or taken after 12-1-10.  Computer is in being fixed (hopefully) as I type.

We've also had a couple of family medical issues to deal with which takes away from time for research.

Mary Post Warren
© copyright 2011, all rights reserved, Mary Post Warren