Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Thankful Thursday - Unidentified Pictures

Several weeks ago I posted a picture from my collection that is heavily damaged.  I e-mailed it also to a 2nd cousin for his collection, as well as another damaged picture I have.  He played with them in PhotoShop and did an awesome job on restoring them.  Click on the link above to see the damaged picture.  Now take a look at this one!  Hard to believe that it's really damaged in 'real life'.

This is the other unidentified picture he 'played with' which I had not posted previously. 

A GREAT BIG THANK YOU to my 2nd cousin Greg for his AWESOME work on these.  Now if someone could help us identify the people in these photos.  I suspect they may be Troyers or Schrocks (in which case Greg would not be related to them).

(a side note: Greg and I found each other on

Mary Post Warren
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  1. That is some amazing work! That makes me stop and think about a couple of pictures I have that are in pretty bad shape. There might be hope after all.

  2. Thanks Michelle - I wonder if it's as easy to restore the originals as it seemed to be for Greg in restoring the digital pictures.

  3. What a treasure to have restored!
