Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Fun Stuff

Not genealogy or family related but something I thought was funny....as seen recently near Interstate 35 and Wrenshall, in Wyoming, Minnesota.

I haven't posted a blog in a couple days because I've been a little busy with my new cell phone and programing it...new cell phones are so much fun!  Plus I lost some major data and pictures from my computer (even though it was backed up 2x) so I've been replacing it.  Fortunately I had the CD's with the original info on it and was able to upload it back on my computer.  I think what I did was saved my info to a file and then worked with the info deleting and adding to some of it and then didn't save it correctly thus backing it up incorrectly.  Makes sense to me...hope it does to you!  I need an external hard drive - my genealogy stuff will not all fit on one flash drive anymore so it gets confusing when I go to back-up.

Mary Post Warren
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