Friday, February 19, 2010

This is Dedicated to One I Love - My Dad (part 5)

This week I've been writing about my dad and what an awesome man he was.  You can see the other posts by clicking on any of these links - they tell the story of his life:

This is Dedicated to One I Love - My Dad

This is Dedicated to One I Love - My Dad (part 2)

This is Dedicated to One I Love - My Dad (part 3) 

 Dad's favorite hobbies were golf and fishing, if he had to give up one of them I believe it would of been was his favorite.   Not only was fishing his passion but the time he spent with my brothers fishing had such an affect on my younger brother that he became a commercial fisherman.  As a child when we would go camping, dad would take the boys and head for the stream, lake, ocean to catch our dinner.  Many is the night that we'd eat fresh fish cooked over the campfire. 

A favorite story my sister tells is the time that dad and our Uncle Bill went fishing and were approached by a gentleman from the 'California Fish and Game Department' who asked them for their required fishing licenses.  Uncle Bill pulled out his and showed it to him and then it was dad's turn - well dad didn't have one - so he struck up a conversation with the man and asked him if he knew 'so-and-so' who also worked for the Fish and Game Department.  Amazingly the man knew him and they started talking.  After talking for awhile the guy left, never asking dad for the license.

Mary Post Warren
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