Thursday, March 31, 2011

Thursday Treasure: Our Homes - Beautiful Memories

5917 Whitewood, Lakewood California

We moved into the above house in 1970....our oldest child was just 6 years old and was about to start first grade.  There was no changing schools because he went to private school.  Our daughter was 3 and our baby was a year and a half.  Many good times we had in this was the house I remember with the fondest memories.  It was small...only 900+ square feet, had 3 bedrooms and 1 bath.  We added on a sun room/patio room the entire width of the house in the back.  It was great for family parties, girl scout gatherings, and much more.  The kids learned to skate, ride bikes, and could walk to school 2 blocks away.  We were also fortunate to have a park a couple blocks away where they played football, preformed in dance competitions, played softball and soccer.  But, alas, as the kids grew and another older child was added to our home it suddenly became too small for all of us.....soooooo
4411 Arbor Road, Long Beach, California

we took the plunge...sold our home and invested what we made on it in this house.  With 4 children (3 of them teens, 1 pre-teen) we just needed that extra space.  This house was just 3 bedrooms, but it had an extra room off the carport which was used for an extra bedroom, it also had a 2 baths, a family room, dining room, and a living room!  At 1800 square feet we had all kinds of extra space.  We had two large patios, one covered, one not.  Oh the parties we had in this groups, friends, family, and just the six of us!  Beautiful memories.

Mary Post Warren
© copyright 2011, all rights reserved


  1. I love you Mary! Thank you for sharing! Lakewood, a wonderful place to raise your children! Ours too. We too brought our kids up in 850 sq ft, two bedroom and we had a girl and a boy. They wouldn't change anything. That little house, oh if those walls could talk. That's also where I did some growing up. God got us through the good and the bad and the best memories for me too. Now there's just the two of us in a 3 bedroom with family room and we each have our own bathroom. I even have a walk-in closet. This is a castle, but I like that little house and all it housed! God, can I just have that house at 2919 Deerford in Lakewood for my heaven home? Thank you. Cynthia McKee

  2. Thanks for sharing! What wonderful memories you have of both houses.
